No Child Left Barefoot: Join the Movement to Provide Shoes for Underprivileged School Kids.
In India, many children attending government schools come from families so financially strained that they cannot afford a simple pair of school shoes. It's heartbreaking to witness this reality, especially when you stand in front of any government school. You’ll often see students walking barefoot, without shoes or slippers, to get to school. It’s a painful sight that reflects the immense struggles these children face. Walking barefoot, they risk serious injuries like stepping on nails, glass shards, or any sharp objects that can cause deep cuts and infections.
In India, the path to education for many children begins barefoot, a testament to the financial hardships their families faceThe need for shoes is critical, especially in rural areas where children have to walk long distances to reach school. Walking barefoot on harsh roads, under the scorching sun, or in the pouring rain, is not just difficult—it’s unsafe and unhealthy.Poor children face difficulties walking barefoot on rough surfaces, which makes it hard for them to move around comfortably. We request you to donate your childs used, unused or outgrown shoes. and help us to donate shoes to underprivileged kids who walk miles to reach school.
In rural areas, schools are often miles away from students' homes, making it extremely challenging for them to walk barefoot every day and this children's are open to get all kinds of injury's & its a tough reality for many students in rural areas.
Walking barefoot on roads reaching 42°C in summer can cause burns, leading to infections that are hard to heal. Lack of footwear makes education exhausting and discourages attendance.
Walking barefoot in the rain increases the risk of slipping, falling, and sustaining injuries. It can also lead to infections like athlete's foot or skin irritation, while increasing exposure to dangerous sharp objects.
Support Nanhe khawish Foundation’s Mission to End Barefoot Walking for Underprivileged School Kids who walks miles to reach school. The
Support Underprivileged School Kids with Nanhee Khawish Foundation The Nanhee Khawish Foundation is a non-profit organization founded under Section 8 of
The primary objective of the Nanhee Khawish Foundation is to provide shoes to underprivileged children who walk miles barefoot every day to reach school. These children endure immense pain and suffering, and we believe that something as simple as a pair of shoes can significantly improve their lives.We encourage families to donate their unused shoes—whether it’s outgrown school shoes or gently used footwear lying around unused at home. We believe there is at least one pair of unused school shoes in every family with children in school, especially in middle-class and higher-income households. Our aim is to collect these shoes and distribute them to the children who desperately need them, enabling them to walk to school with comfort and dignity.